Lenia Simulation using MATLAB


MATLABSolutions demonstrate In this project, Lenia is a mesmerizing artificial life form and a self-replicating cellular automaton introduced by Bert Wang-Chak Chan in 2018. It exhibits complex and organic-looking patterns reminiscent of living organisms, making it a fascinating subject of study for researchers and enthusiasts alike. This article will explore how to simulate Lenia using MATLAB, a powerful numerical computing software.

Understanding Lenia

Before delving into the MATLAB simulation, let's briefly understand the basic principles of Lenia. Lenia is based on a two-dimensional cellular automaton with a square grid of cells. Each cell's state is determined by its neighborhood, which consists of the eight adjacent cells. The automaton evolves over time according to simple rules, which leads to the emergence of intricate and visually stunning patterns.

Lenia introduces two primary parameters that define its behavior:

  1. Alpha (α): Influences the curvature of the patterns. Higher alpha values create smoother and more rounded shapes, while lower values yield more jagged and intricate structures.

  2. Beta (β):Determines the scale of the patterns. Higher beta values result in larger and more dispersed patterns, while lower values lead to smaller and denser formations.

Implementing Lenia in MATLAB

To simulate Lenia in MATLAB, we'll use a 2D grid to represent the cellular automaton. The value of each cell will determine its state at a given time step. Here's a basic outline of the simulation process:

  1. Initialization: Create a 2D grid and set initial conditions for each cell. You can randomly initialize the grid or start with specific patterns.

  2. Evolution: Update the state of each cell based on its neighborhood and the alpha and beta parameters. The evolution process should be repeated for multiple time steps to observe the emergence of intricate patterns.

  3. Visualization: After each time step, visualize the grid to observe the evolution of Lenia's patterns. You can use MATLAB's plotting functions or custom visualization techniques to create stunning visual representations.

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